Minority Leaders for Society organized a Training Course  “Islamophobia – Challenge and Action for European Youth” that provided a platform for development of key competencies (knowledge, skills and attitudes) over the topic of Islamophobia.

This training course gathered young people from different parts of Europe to explore religion, identity and culture in order to start an inter-religious dialogue for fighting Islamophobia. Looking at today’s Europe where the need for dialogue, respect and understanding is something that seems as only a wish to come true.

This training course gathered youth workers, leaders and activists from different religious background to give them knowledge, skills and tools, but also information on how to promote inter-religious dialogue and initiate cooperation for overcoming Islamophobia in their local and national contexts.

This training course aimed to equip its multipliers and to empower them to be able to influence our society’s attitudes towards the Muslims and promote equality, democracy and inclusion

The training course took place in Stip, Macedonia from 02 to 09 April 2012 where different cultures and religions aim to live together on an equal level.

Partner countries: Greece, Russia, Ukraine, Latvia, Spain, Portugal, Romania, Turkey, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Kosovo.
