Interregional Tourism through Cultures (ITC)

Name of the project Interregional Tourism through Cultures (ITC) Programme INTERREG – IPA CROSS-BODGER COOPERATION PROGRAMME Bulgaria – Macedonia Period 18/10/2016-18/01/2018 Partners 1. IIC – applicant 2.Minority Leaders for Society – Macedonia Objectives The...

Training Course “Re-Creating Europe in PEACE”

„Re-Creating Europe in PEACE” was a six day training course on peace building. The activity was based on holistic educational approach where the insight...

Training Course “Equilibre” 29 March – 5 April 2013

The today’s need we’re facing in our societies for the presence of understanding, respect and dialogue leaves big gap who therefore demands for a...

Training Course “Islamopobia – Challenge and Action for European Youth”

Minority Leaders for Society - MLS has organized the Training Course  “Islamopobia - Challenge and Action for European Youth” that has provided a platform for development...

Training Course “Islamophobia – Challenge and Action for European Youth”

Minority Leaders for Society organized a Training Course  “Islamophobia - Challenge and Action for European Youth” that provided a platform for development of key competencies...

Training Course “Minorities, Opportunities and Challenges – From Awareness to Action”

Minority Leaders for Society - MLS has organized the Training Course  “Minorities, Opportunities and Challenges – From Awareness to Action” that has provided a...

Training Course “Minorities, Opportunities and Challenges – From Awareness to Action”

The training course took place from 20th to 27th May 2011, in Shtip, Macedonia. It has provided platform for development of key competences (knowledge,...

New booklet published

Minority Leaders for Society has published recently new booklet about equality. The booklet was produced as result of the Training Course "Opportunities for Equality, Promotion...

Наш YouTube канал

Возбудени сме што можеме да објавиме дека официјално го лансиравме нашиот канал на YouTube и едвај чекаме да ги споделиме сите неверојатни содржини на...