The project “Enter in Entrepreneurship – From idea to action” was implemented during 2016 with international activity in Bosnia and Herzegovina and in Albania, by Youth Volunteers Association and partners from 11 countries and funded by ERASMUS + Programe of the Europen Union.

Main goal was educating youngsters how to start their own business and creating mechanism to ease making start-ups. Project goals were empowering, socializing, experience exchange, acquisition of the new skills. With that tools we wanted help decrease one of the main problems today – unemployment. We had three activities held in Sarajevo and Durres. First training was based on education in a field of entrepreneurship, second activity was training course in managerial skills for youth workers and third activity was seminar for youth workers from 11 countries (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Poland, Kosovo, Spain, Montenegro, Turkey, Slovenia, Estonia, Hungary and Macedonia).

Please find attached the 2 modules created during the trainings: Module 1 and Module 2  and the videos created by the participants during the project