Wednesday, March 12, 2025
The project "Enter in Entrepreneurship - From idea to action" was implemented during 2016 with international activity in Bosnia and Herzegovina and in Albania, by Youth Volunteers Association and partners from 11 countries and funded by ERASMUS + Programe of the Europen Union. Main goal was educating youngsters how to start their own business and creating mechanism to ease making start-ups....
Minority Leaders for Society - MLS has organized the Training Course  “Islamopobia - Challenge and Action for European Youth” that has provided a platform for development of key competences (knowledge, skills and attitudes) over the topic of Islamobhobia. This training course has gathered young people from different parts of Europe to explore religion, identity and culture in order to start anti-religious dialogue...
Minority Leaders for Society - MLS has organized the Training Course  “Minorities, Opportunities and Challenges – From Awareness to Action” that has provided a platform for development of key competences (knowledge, skills and attitudes) over the topic of minority inclusion. The participants had an opportunity to share their experiences and knowledge with particular interest put into the experiences of...
Возбудени сме што можеме да објавиме дека официјално го лансиравме нашиот канал на YouTube и едвај чекаме да ги споделиме сите неверојатни содржини на кои работевме! Нашиот канал е посветен на подигање на свеста за родовата нееднаквост во спортот, подобрување на спортската практика кај жените и девојките и промовирање на социјалната вклученост и еднаквите можности во спортот. Без разлика...
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