On 25th of January 2025, we had the final meeting within the project Women against discrimination – WOMAD.
The partners met for the last time within the project to discuss about the project implementation, to share what has been done and we planned the next steps of the project.
This project was coordinated by Minority Leaders for Society – MLS from North Macedonia in cooperation with Football club Red Star from Serbia, Football Club O Val de Naron and ASD Euromamme from Italy.
The project is financed by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Commission.
As a reminder, here is what the project was about and what was done:
WOMAD (Women against discrimination) supports the inclusion of target groups with fewer opportunities and an active European citizenship. It brings the European dimension to the local level involving schools and sport clubs from the partner countries. Sport has always been seen as a male prerogative, especially football, with a fragmentary media coverage of female competitions and a reluctant attitude towards girls approaching it. The partners want to play their part in “closing the gap” between the perception of boys and girls sport practice. The project involves organizations and sport clubs from Spain, North Macedonia, Italy and Serbia. According to their shared needs, they set 3 general objectives such as: tackle sexist stereotypes and violence in football, enhance football practice among women and girls and promote social inclusion and equal opportunities. The gender equality can be reached inside and outside the soccer field and the partners intend to give their contribution creating Gender mainstreaming in sports guidelines that will be delivered to the direct beneficiaries through a 10 hours course. The beneficiaries are split into 2 groups: coaches and directors of Sport clubs and schools/sport club students (ISCED 2-3), precisely, 10 coaches and 50 teenagers coming from different sports clubs/schools per partner country. They will attend the course and give their feedback about content and delivery for future use. The 2 specific objectives are: to produce a Research Report on women involvement in sports and “Gender mainstreaming in sports guidelines”, that will be used to train and raise awareness about tackling sexist stereotypes and violence in sport, specifically in football and to involve and raise awareness of the people around those directly involved in the project; like families, sport professionists, teachers from schools not directly involved in the project and members of gender mainstreaming NGOs.
The project respond to three general objectives:
– Raise awareness about gender inequality in sport, focusing on football;
– Enhance sport practice among women and girls.
– Promote social inclusion and equal opportunities in sport.
We created Research report and Guidelines produced within the project created on English language and translated on Serbian, Italian, Spanish and Macedonian languages.
And 2 animated videos on english and also translated in project partners languages.