Name of the project Interregional Tourism through Cultures (ITC)
Period 18/10/2016-18/01/2018
Partners 1. IIC – applicant

2.Minority Leaders for Society – Macedonia

Objectives The project will address priority axis 2,specific objectives 2.3.The proposed activities will enhance the tourism potential of 2 target cross-border regions in Bulgaria and Macedonia through identifying, promoting and sustainable utilisation of natural and cultural heritage assets in the respective areas and promoting the cooperation between respective regional actors in the field of sustainable tourism. All the available natural and cultural objects, living traditions and customs as well as families and farms producing bio-products will be identified and described in a Guide for alternative tourism in the area and all the places of interest will be pinned and information about them accessible on a special website developed within the project to promote the touristic potential of the 2 target areas. The cooperation between the regional actors will be stimulated through sharing of information,experience and good practices as they will be involved in trainings,study visits and fairs.
Expecting results Identified at least 40 natural and cultural heritage sites and 40 alternative services in the 2 target areas; the potential of the target areas to develop alternative tourism studies; 60 representatives of the target groups informed and trained how to preserve and manage the natural and cultural heritage and how to establish sustainable business. 2 touristic cultural fairs gathering more than 60 key actors organised in Blagoevgrad (BG) and Stip (MK); a guide of alternative tourism developed; a website developed; a final conference gathering more than 50 representatives from the target groups and key actors in the field of tourism held in Stip (MK).
Summary The project envisages to make a research of the potential of the two target areas to develop alternative tourism and to identify the natural and cultural heritage sites, services and traditions that can boost the touristic potential of the region. A series of three trainings will be organised for the representatives of the target groups: TC1: Conservation and reservation of the natural and cultural heritage to be held in Razlog (BG); TC2: Natural and cultural heritage management to be held in Stip (MK); TC3: How to develop sustainable business to be held in Belitsa (BG). A guide of alternative tourism in the target areas will be composed and a website developed where all the identified natural and cultural heritage and services will be pinned on the electronic map. A final conference will be held in Stip (MK) to present the project’s outcomes and to discuss opportunities for future cooperation in the region.
Budget  57 940,96 EUR

This project is co-funded by the European Union through the Interreg-IPA CBC Programme Bulgaria-The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia