“World Without Hate – Youth for Human Rights” is the new project which will be implemented by Minority Leaders for Society – MLS from Macedonia, kicking off in July 2017 and finishing in December 2018. This project brings together young people and youth workers from CoE Member states and Ghana and India and focuses on online and offline measures combating hate speech. There for this project aims to assists civil society organizations (CSO’s) in addressing human rights issues through education.

Objectives of the project:

– increasing the competences of youth leaders, youth workers and educators in the field of anti-hate speech activism and Human Rights Education
– training participants in using the ‘Compass’ Manual for HRE for anti-hate speech activities
– mainstreaming anti-hate speech and HRE methods in youth work and developing future HRE-related projects in partner countries
– linking European anti-hate speech activities with local campaigning on human rights
– increasing the international dimension of youth work, notably with reference to human rights education- assuring a long term, sustainable increase in quality of partner organisations’ work with combating hate speech and human rights issues.

The project is financed from Erasmus + programme, under KA2, Capacity Building in field of youth.

The project is implemented in partnership with organizations from Romania, Bulgaria, Italy, Turkey, Ghana and India.

Coordination meeting was the first activity of the project which was held on 1-4 February 2018, in Skopje, Macedonia. All partners sent one representative who will coordinate the action on local and international level during project implementation.

The project will follow with the next activities:

– Training course in Italy
– Training Course in Macedonia
– Local workshops/activities in all partner countries
– Seminar in Bulgaria