Wednesday, March 12, 2025
Minority Leaders for Society - MLS has organized the Training Course  “Minorities, Opportunities and Challenges – From Awareness to Action” that has provided a platform for development of key competences (knowledge, skills and attitudes) over the topic of minority inclusion. The participants had an opportunity to share their experiences and knowledge with particular interest put into the experiences of...
The training course took place from 20th to 27th May 2011, in Shtip, Macedonia. It has provided platform for development of key competences (knowledge, skills and attitudes) over the topic of minority inclusion. The participants had an opportunity to share their experiences and knowledge with particular interest put into experiences of South East European countries and Programme countries. Mixture of...
Minority Leaders for Society has published recently new booklet about equality. The booklet was produced as result of the Training Course "Opportunities for Equality, Promotion of Equality" which was organized by Minority Leaders for Society in November 2010. In the booklet you can find summary from the training course and good examples and practices for work with minorities and for...
Возбудени сме што можеме да објавиме дека официјално го лансиравме нашиот канал на YouTube и едвај чекаме да ги споделиме сите неверојатни содржини на кои работевме! Нашиот канал е посветен на подигање на свеста за родовата нееднаквост во спортот, подобрување на спортската практика кај жените и девојките и промовирање на социјалната вклученост и еднаквите можности во спортот. Без разлика...
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