Thursday, March 13, 2025
TV Star visited us during our project on human rights which was held in Stip, Macedonia. Here you can read their post. And you can also watch the video.
The second training course of the “World Without Hate – Youth for Human Rights” project was held from 18th to 26th September 2018 in Štip, Macedonia. We were working together with youth leaders, youth workers, educators, activists, volunteers and young people interested in human rights and anti-hate speech activities and also planning to run future local campaigns based on these issues. Objectives of the...
Здружението Лидери на Малцинствата за Општеството – ЛМО Штип ве поканува да земете учество на обуката на тема: “World Without Hate – Youth for Human Rights”. Обуката ќе се одржи од 18-ти до 26-ти септември 2018 година во Штип и истата се спроведува во рамките на истоимениот проект. Во продолжение прочитајте повеќе да проектот и доколку сте заинтересирани да учествувате...
The first training course of the "World Without Hate – Youth for Human Rights" project was held from 4th to 12th May 2018 in Rome, Italy. We were working together with youth leaders, youth workers, educators, activists, volunteers and young people interested in human rights and anti-hate speech activities and also planning to run future local campaigns based on these issues.     Objectives...
“World Without Hate – Youth for Human Rights” is the new project which will be implemented by Minority Leaders for Society - MLS from Macedonia, kicking off in July 2017 and finishing in December 2018. This project brings together young people and youth workers from CoE Member states and Ghana and India and focuses on online and offline measures combating...
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