Wednesday, March 12, 2025
Minority Leaders for Society MLS - Stip held the kick-off meeting for the project "STEPs4LEAD" in Skopje, North Macedonia from 28-30 June. The project is financed by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Commission. The project idea is to empower youngsters from India, Nepal, the Philippines, Vietnam, Thailand, Bulgaria, Greece, Croatia and North Macedonia...
Здружението Лидери на Малцинствата за Општеството – ЛМО Штип објавува повик за 4 учесника од Северна Македонија за обука на тема “Videmocracy”. Обуката ќе се одржи од 7-ми до 14-ти јуни 2019 година во Тирана, Албанија. Сместувањето и храната се целосно покриени од страна на организаторите, како и патните трошоци до 180 евра. Проектот...
Here are the posters, the calendar, the videos and the brochure made by the participants during the project activities held within the "World Without Hate - Youth for Human Rights".The project is financed by the Erasmus + programme, under KA2, Capacity Building in field of youth. You can download the calendar here.
VTV, hosted part of our participants from Romania on their show Matinal in order to present the project and to discuss the topic.      
From 11th-18th April 2019 was held the last activity of the project "World Without Hate - Youth for Human Rights" in Banya, Bulgaria. The project is financed by the Erasmus + programme, under KA2, Capacity Building in field of youth. The aim of the seminar was for the participants to share experiences, information...
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