The today’s need we’re facing in our societies for the presence of understanding, respect and dialogue leaves big gap who therefore demands for a space where young people (workers, leaders and volunteers) came together and worked on EQUILIBRE (Equilibrium).

So this training course gathered them together, all coming with different background, religions, experiences, knowledge, to get new skills, methodology and information in order to work on establishing equilibrium in their local communities and therefore establish equilibrium in Europe. The main aim of the training course was to provide a chance to 27 representatives working especially with vulnerable groups as with youngsters facing social exclusion to increase their knowledge about minorities as well as to share best practices and lessons learned with their colleagues.

The training course was based on non – formal learning and also included theoretical lectures, presentations, and discussions as team work in mix teams, simulations, role plays and using art methods and was held in Stip, Macedonia.

So this training course equipped its multipliers and empowered them to influence our society’s attitudes towards the Minorities and to show equality, democracy and inclusion as Europe really stands for.

What were our objectives of the activity?

  • To develop specific trainer competences related to work with minority youth and citizenship;
  • To give participants knowledge on international mechanisms of protection of rights of minorities;
  • To promote the Youth in Action programme as a tool for minority youth empowerment;
  • To develop and consolidate essential skills for trainers in non-formal education.

Partners in this project are:

Support for Youth Development – Romania


Mine Vaganti European Youth Group – Italy

CESIE – Italy

Lietuvos jaunimo centras – Lithuania

Életművész Ifjúsági Egyesület – Hungary

Udruženje „Mladi Volonteri“ – Bosnia and Herzegovina

IUVENTA – Serbia

Warm Hand Association – Albania

Kocaeli Social Responsibility Group – Turkey

This project was funded by European Commission’s Youth in Action programme via Action 3.1

With the support of the Youth in Action programme of the European Union. This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.